January 2024
Happy New Year!
What's Happening This Month:
We hope you had (or are having) a wonderful winter vacation. Here's the lesson schedule for this month. Please check to make sure when your first lesson is! Let's have an awesome and rewarding year together!Culture Corner: New Year's Resolutions
1. What is a New Year's resolution?
It's a firm decision on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day to do or refrain from doing something over the course of the coming year. Some common examples include: losing weight, saving money, quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol.
2. When did this tradition begin?
This practice is traced back to the days of the ancient Babylonians, over 4000 years ago. During those times, people made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed. If they kept their word, the gods would show favor to them for the coming year. For early Christians, New Year's Day became the traditional occasion for thinking about one's past mistakes and resolving to do and be better in the future. In modern times people make resolutions; not to God or gods, but to themselves, and focus purely on self improvement.
So, what is your New Year's resolution?
Teacher's Corner
Riddle of the Month: "What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and not once in a hundred years?"
For the answer, ask Leo teacher.
Inside the Classroom
This month we're looking at what our students are learning in Everybody Up 1 - Unit #3. We're learning to use single and plural nouns. Try and practice at home:
Q: How many (apples)?
A: There is one apple. / There are (two) apples.
Let's practice together:
*NEW - Adult Corner
Starting the New Year off with something new for you. Each month I will be posting a link to a video about a social issue. I will also have a set questions based on the video and a set of questions for discussion, where we can talk about the topic in more detail.
This month's topic is about the education system in the United States. I found it very interesting and I think you will too. Enjoy!
Here's the link to the video:
Feel free to watch the video in parts, or watch as many times as needed. We will discuss the answers to all of the questions in the coming weeks.
Questions about the video:
- Who helped create the modern system of education in America?
- What was the intention of "free education"?
- Why is education targeted toward children?
- What did the Prussian model of education reinforce? (one word answer)
- Who imported the Prussian model of education to the U.S.A.?
- By what year was attending school mandatory in every state?
- What is "The General Education Board" and what did it do?
- What is the purpose of the modern model of education?
Discussion questions:
- What is your impression / opinion of the video?
- What parts do you agree / disagree with?
- What parts did you find interesting / surprising?
- If you compare the American model of modern education with Japan's, what parts are similar / different?
- What things do you feel should be taught in schools, which are not currently being taught?
- What changes would you like to see with the current system of education in Japan?
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