September 2024

 What's Happening This Month

Here's the calendar for September.  Although both Monday the 16th and Monday the 23rd are national holidays, only the 23rd the school will be closed.

Here is the calendar for the second half of this school year.  Please check the dates and if you have any questions, please ask us.


Culture Corner: Back to School

    Here is Ota, students are starting the second term of the school year on September 2nd.  Some other cities have already gotten back to school in late August.  In Canada and the U.S.A. students are also getting back to school, but in a slightly different way then in Japan.  In North America, September marks the beginning of the new school year.  Students enter a new grade and will have new classes with new teachers.  Many students like to go shopping during the summer holidays and show off their new gear in the fall.  The weather starts to cool down quite a bit, especially in Canada; unlike in Japan where most places are still quite hot and humid.  


Teacher's Corner

    Just a reminder for those who would like help practicing their reading, you can listen and read along with any of the reading books you want in the student resource section of our website.

Idiom of the month:  September is supposed to be the beginning of autumn, although the weather here in Japan still feels like summer.  This month's idiom and riddle relate to the turning of the new season.

"Turn over a new leaf." - Yesterday was my birthday and to start the new year I'm going to turn over a new leaf.  I'm not going to waste time and money like I used to.

Riddle of the month: What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?

For the answers to this month's riddle and idiom, please ask Leo teacher.  Here are the answers to last month's:

Idiom - "ray of sunshine" means a person who bring happiness into the lives of others.

Riddle - I'm not a bird, but I can fly, Through summer nights, I light the sky. Look for me when the sun's gone dim, I'll be the first to wink at you. What am I?  The answer is a firefly (ホタル).

Inside the Classroom

This month we are looking at Everybody Up 2, Unit #7.  In this unit, the students learn how to tell the time in English.  They also practicing telling what time they eat certain meals (p. 66/67) and eventually talk about the times they do their daily activities (p.70/71).
今月はEverybody Up 2のユニット7を取り上げます。このユニットでは、生徒たちは英語で時刻を伝える方法を学びます。また、特定の食事を何時に食べるかを言う練習もします(p. 66/67)。そして最終的には、日々の活動をする時間について話します(p.70/71)。

There are two different ways we can ask others about the times they do different activities.  One way is to ask: "What time do you ________?"  The way we learn in the text is:  "When do you ________?"  
This unit also practices the use of the third person (三人称), so remembering to add an "s" or "es" to the end of the verb is a common mistake.

"I go to bed at ten o'clock."「私は10時に寝ます。」
"She goes to bed at ten o'clock."「彼女は10時に寝ます。」



Let's practice.  To practice this unit, try asking the following:

  "When do you ____________?" 「いつ____________しますか?」
  • get up 起きる
  • eat breakfast 朝食を食べる
  • go to school / work 学校/仕事に行く
  • come home 家に帰る
  • eat dinner 夕食を食べる
  • go to bed 寝る
Then report your answers to another friend or family member.

    last month's topic about what's happening in Palestine is a serious talking point.  This month's video relates to the conflict and focuses on how the west (more specifically the U.S.A.) can ignore international law when they want.  Click the link to watch: 

Key Words / Phrases:
  • The United Nations (U.N.) - a diplomatic and political international organization with the intended purpose of maintaining international peace and security, and developing friendly relations among nations
  • International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) - an international tribunal which investigates and tries individuals charged with the gravest of crimes of concern to the international community
  • International law - a set of rules, norms and standards that states and other actors feel an obligation to obey in their mutual relations
  • Holocaust - the genocide of European Jews in World War II in German-occupied Europe
  • genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the intended purpose of destroying that nation or group

Questions About the Video:
  1. What is the "Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act"?
  2. What does "weaponization of the Holocaust" mean?
  3. What is the purpose of the U.N. and the I.C.C.?
  4. What is the "American Servicemembers Protection Act of 2002"?
  5. What does the narrator mean by the "selective application of international law"?
Discussion Questions:
  1. What is your understanding of the I.C.C. and international law?
  2. What is your thought about the opinions expressed in this video?
  3. Do you think the I.C.C. and international law are important? Why / Whynot?
  4. What do you think about the way the U.S.A. disregards the I.C.C. and international law?
  5. What can we do to fix this flawed system?


    Here is the schedule for ABC Sports from October to December 2024:
