November 2024
What's Happening This Month
Here's the calendar for November. Please notice that we have some unusual days off this month, so please check the calendar carefully or you can contact us to make sure.
This month we're looking E.U. 2 - Unit 8. In this lesson we are talking about school subjects that we like as well as extra curricular activities.
What's New
Some of you may or may not have noticed a few changes to our school. On October 25th, we added some new signs to our building and more importantly, we have light! After a few years of broken lights we have brand new lights to shine down upon you! So, come toward the light and let us learn together!
みなさま、もうお気づきでしょうか?10月25日、ABC教室の外観がリニューアルしました! ホームページのアドレスやインスタのQRコードなどを追加した新しいデザインにしていただきました。また、看板には、LEDの照明がつきました!元々ついていた設備でしたが劣化によって 数年間の壊れたままでした…でも、写真の通り、とても明るく教室を照らしてくれています! さあ、明るくなった教室に集まって、一緒に学びましょう!

Halloween 2024
Here's what went down at ABC's Halloween party for 2024! Click the link to share the fun: ABC Halloween Party 2024 ←YouTube最新動画!
Teacher's Corner
Riddle of the Month: "If money really did grow on trees, what would be everyone's favorite season?"
Idiom of the Month: "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
A: She behaves just like her mother, doesn't she!
B: Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Here's the answer to last month's riddle: A candle
Inside the Classroom
Important Notice to Parents:
Recently there have been a number of students forgetting to bring things with them to their lessons. For grades 1 and 2 this is understandable, but for grades 3 and over, please make sure that students check their bags to make sure they have everything they need for their lesson BEFORE LEAVING HOME!
最近、忘れ物が多い生徒さんが目立ちます。 1~2年生であれば、まだまだ保護者の方のサポートが必要かとは思います。しかし、3~6年生は、家を出る前に自分でバッグを確認、そして、レッスンに必要なものがすべて揃っているかの準備ができるはずです。
Here is a check list of things students should have with them:
- Everybody Up (student book) Everybody Up (テキスト)
- Everybody Up (workbook) Everybody Up (ワークブック)
- Oxford Phonics World (all books) オックスフォード・フォニックス・ワールド(全巻)
- Phonics Reading books フォニックス音読本
- a notebook ノート
- a clear file folder クリアファイルフォルダ
- a pencil case with: 筆箱
- 2 or 3 pencils 鉛筆2~3本
- 1 red pencil 赤鉛筆1本
- 1 or 2 erasers 1つまたは2つの消しゴム
- a ruler (optional) 定規(任意)
- a highlighter pen (grades 5 and above) 蛍光ペン(5年生以上)
Ideally it would be great if students had all these things in a dedicated bag. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
理想的には、英語教室に来る用の、専用の筆記用具とバッグに準備できたらありがたいです。 ご理解・ご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
This month we're looking E.U. 2 - Unit 8. In this lesson we are talking about school subjects that we like as well as extra curricular activities.
今月は、E.U. 2 - Unit 8に注目します。 このレッスンでは、私たちが好きな学校の科目と課外活動について話します。
Here's something that you can try at home:
- Make a list of all the subjects you (your child / children) study.あなた(あなたの子供/子供)が勉強するすべての科目のリストを作成します。
- Rank the subject from the ones you like the most to the least.あなたが最も好きなものから最も嫌いなものまで、主題をランク付けします。
- Make a list of all the activities your child / children do after school and on the weekends.あなたの子供/子供が放課後や週末に行うすべての活動のリストを作成します。
- Make a weekly calendar of your child's / children's week.お子さん/お子さんの週の週間カレンダーを作りましょう。
This unit also focuses on the third person:
- What's his / her favorite subject? - It's ______.
- When does he / she go to swimming class? - He / She goes to swimming class on ________s.
To practice, please answer these questions:
1. When does your child go to English class?
2. What is your child's favorite subject?
彼/彼女はいつ水泳教室に行きますか?- 彼/彼女は________sに水泳教室に行きます。
1. お子さんはいつ英語のクラスに行きますか?
Adult Corner
This month we're having a look at a story about a popular shopping app, that seems to have appeared out of nowhere. If you enjoy shopping online, you'll definitely find this story interesting! You can watch the video by clicking on this link:
Questions about the video:
- Why is TEMU so cheap?
- Where do the labourers come from?
- How much cotton does China produce?
- How does TEMU bypass the American law preventing good produced in the Xinjiang region of China from entering the country
- What did TEMU do to target older audiences?
- What is TEMU's masterplan?
Discussion questions:
- How often do you shop online?
- What sites do you shop from?
- Have you ever heard of TEMU?
- If so, have you ever purchased anything from TEMU?
- After learning about why TEMU is so cheap and their masterplan, would you purchase anything from them in the future? Why or Why not?
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