February 2025

Here's the calendar for this month.  There are NO holidays this month.  Please be sure to check your lesson dates carefully!


This month we'll dive into the history of St. Valentine's Day in Japan. Like Christmas and Halloween, Valentine's Day is a celebration that has been adopted by Japanese people.  It started in 1935, when the chocolate company Morozoff started selling chocolates in heart shaped boxes; mainly targeting foreign nationals living in Japan at the time.  Valentine's Day didn't become popular with Japanese people until the 1970s. 
    The custom of women giving men either honmei-chocho or giri-choco is specific to Japan.  Although in recent years, the giving of giri-choco is fading.

Do you give chocolates to people on Valentine's day?  Do you give yourself chocolate?  If you do, how much money do you spend on chocolates for others?
今月は、日本のバレンタインデーの歴史について掘り下げていきます。クリスマスやハロウィンのように、バレンタインデーは日本人に根付いたお祝いです。1935年にチョコレート会社モロゾフがハート型の箱に入ったチョコレートを売り始めたのが始まりで、当時日本に住んでいた外国人を主なターゲットにしていました。バレンタインデーが日本人に人気になったのは1970年代になってからでした。 女性が男性に本命チョコか義理チョコを贈る習慣は日本特有のものですが、近年では義理チョコを贈る習慣は薄れつつあります。 バレンタインデーに誰かにチョコレートをあげますか?自分にチョコレートをあげますか?あげる場合、他の人へのチョコレートにどのくらいのお金を使いますか?

Riddle of the Month: "What can be touched, but can't be seen?"

Idiom of the Month: "Puppy Love" - "Taro has a new girlfriend, but it's just puppy love."
Puppy love love is a feeling of love a young person has for someone else. Adult's often use the phrase to show that they don't think it's serious.  Donny Osmond sang a song called "Puppy Love" in 1972.

Answer to Last Month's Riddle: Fireworks!

This month we will explore  Unit #6 in Everybody Up 3.  The vocabulary focuses on the things we do to help around the house - "chores."  In addition we examine an aspect of the English language that is used quite often in conversation - adverbs of frequency:
今月は、Everybody Up 3 の Unit #6 を紹介します。語彙は、家の手伝いである「家事」に焦点を当てています。さらに、会話で頻繁に使用される英語の側面である頻度を表す副詞についても学習します。
Q: What are her chores?
A: She always takes out the garbage.

Q: What are his chores?
A: He sometimes cleans his room.

What are your chores?  How often do you do the following:
  • make your bed?
  • clean your room?
  • do laundry?
  • walk the dog?
  • set the table?
  • wash the dishes?
  • sweep the floor?
  • take out the garbage?
  • clean the bathroom?
  • wash the car?
  • vacuum the carpet?
  • water the plants?
"I always / usually / sometimes / rarely / never ____________."


    Do you like to sleep?  Are you getting enough?  This month we'll explore the belief that everyone needs 7 - 8 hours of sleep every night.  Click on the link here to watch: Do We Really Need 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night?

Key Words / Phrases:

Flaw - a mark or blemish which weakens an object or substance

Fixation - an obsessive interest or feeling about someone or something

Orthosomnia -  an unhealthy obsession with getting the perfect sleep

Questions About the Video:

1. What is the biggest worry about sleep for most people?
2. What does the doctor say about the recommended 7 - 8 hours of sleep?
3. What does she say about duration of sleep?
4. What is the second flaw about the belief that people need 7 - 8 hours of sleep every night?
5. What do some experts say we should do?

Discussion Questions:

1. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night?

2. Do you feel you get enough quality sleep?

3. What are some things you do to help you fall asleep?

4. Let's discuss the 3 questions the doctor poses in the video.

Here's the calendar for Kids Sports and Ball Hockey this month.  I hope you can join us!

Just a reminder that we still have two weeks of ball hockey in Oizumi.  Please, come and join the fun!
