
April 2024

Welcome to the 2024 School Year!  Welcome to the new faces joining us this year.  We hope you have a fun and rewarding experience with us!  Welcome back to our returning students.  We hope you continue to enjoy learning in our unique educational environment!  Here is the calendar for the first half of this year.  Remember to double check your class days and times, as there have been some changes to the new schedule! Culture Corner:  Cherry Blossoms in Canada     Cherry blossom trees are not native to North America.  The majority of the cherry blossoms in Canada were gifts from Japan.  In the 1930s cherry trees were given to the city of Vancouver from the mayors of Kobe and Yokohama.  They were given to honour the Japanese-Canadians who served in World War One.  You can view them at the war memorial in Stanley Park.  On April 1st, 1959, the Japanese ambassdor to Canada; Hagiwara Toru, presented 2000 Somei-Yoshino sakur...

March 2024

  What's Happening This Month Here's the schedule for March.  It's the last month of the school year.  Please check to make sure of the days and times of the new schedule starting in April. Culture Corner St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17th.  It is the death date of the Saint Patrick.  St. Patrick was the foremost patron saint of Ireland.  He died in the 5th century, but the celebration for saint Patrick only began in 1631. St. Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland.  He was taken to Ireland as a slave when he was 16.  He became a missionary and created monasteries, churches and schools. In modern times, St. Patrick's Day is a celebration of Irish culture, honouring the saint who was the key figure in transforming religion in Ireland. Teacher's Corner Idiom of the Month: "Horse of a different colour" - Jim and John were talking about last night's basketball game.  Then Mike started talking about ...

February 2024

  What's Happening This month Here's the schedule for February. Culture Corner: A Short History of St. Valentine's Day 1.  Who was St. Valentine?         He was a clergyman (either a priest or a bishop) who lived during the days of the Roman Empire.  He was executed on February 14th, 269AD. 2.  Why is he associated with love?         During those times there was a Roman law that banned soldiers from getting married.  A soldier's duty was to the state of Rome, and being married meant that they couldn't focus 100% of their energy on defending Rome.  However, Valentine often married soldiers in secret and one day was caught.  That's why Emperor Claudius II executed Valentine.  Valentine's death made him a martyr. People started to celebrate February 14th to remember the kind heart of St. Valentine. The modern day celebration of Valentine's Day started in the U.K. during the 19th century.  This wh...

January 2024

Happy New Year!   What's Happening This Month: We hope you had (or are having) a wonderful winter vacation.  Here's the lesson schedule for this month.  Please check to make sure when your first lesson is!  Let's have an awesome and rewarding year together! Culture Corner:  New Year's Resolutions 1.  What is a New Year's resolution?     It's a firm decision on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day to do or refrain from doing something over the course of the coming year.  Some common examples include:  losing weight, saving money, quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol. 2.  When did this tradition begin?     This practice is traced back to the days of the ancient Babylonians, over 4000 years ago.  During those times, people made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed.  If they kept their word, the gods would show favor to them for the coming year.  For early Christians, ...

December 2023

 What's Happening This Month   Here's the calendar for December.   Winter vacation begins 12/24 and we resume classes on 1/4. Culture Corner:  Christmas in Japan The first Christmas in Japan was celebrated in the year 1594; when the Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier introduced Christianity.  Unlike in Western countries; where Christmas is a national holiday, Christmas is just a regular working  day.   However, Christmas only became popular in Japan after WWII, with the introduction of Santa, gift giving and Christmas cake.  In Japan, Christmas Eve is a couples holiday.  In Western countries both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are celebrated with family members (much like New Years Day - Oshogatsu in Japan).  The Idea of KFC for Christmas dinner started in 1974 with a very successful advertising campaign - "Kentucky for Christmas!?!" Do you and your family enjoy KFC for Christmas dinner?  Have a merry  T eacher's ...

November 2023

  What's Happening This Month This month's schedule: Culture Corner (Did you know?)      Did you know that the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving in the United States?  This year it will be on November 23rd.  Thanksgiving is a holiday that celebrates the bounty of the fall harvest.  In many towns and cities there are Thanksgiving festivals.  Traditionally turkey, potatoes (mashed or sweet), squash, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie are eaten.  It is common for most people to watch NFL football or the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on TV.  The following day is known as Black Friday, which is the busiest shopping day of the year in the U.S.A.  Thanksgiving is the start of the Christmas holiday season. Teacher's Corner Riddle of the month     "What has two hands and a face, but no arms or legs?"  (HINT: It can tell time) For the answer, please ask Leo Teacher. Inside the Classroom   This m...

October 2023

  What's Happening This Month 9/30(土)から10/7(土)までレッスンはお休みです。9日(月)祝日ですがレッスンをします。 10/31(火)は、ハロウィンパーティ開催のため、レッスンはお休みになります。 Upcoming Events イベントのお知らせ It's Halloween time again and we're having a party!  Important information below:さあ、ハロウィンの季節がやってきました。今年はハロウィンパーティを開催します!詳細は下記をご確認ください。 Try our Halloween Quiz How much do you know about Halloween?  Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.  Just click on the link below: History of Halloween Quiz Teacher's Corner Idiom of the Month How well do you know English idioms?  Test your knowledge with this useful expression: "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched!" Taro is an average high school student from Gunma.  He usually does well on his tests, but is never the top scorer.   He really wants to enter the University of Tokyo.  He hasn't even begun to study for the university entrance exams, but he is already making plans to move to Tokyo.  His parents warned him not to count his chickens be...